All the Write Moves…

Having just spent an intense week at the Oregon Coast Children’s Book Writers’ Workshop (, I decided to write some posts aimed at helping (beginning) writers. Most of my blog has been aimed at fellow booklovers and reading. However, many of you might also enjoy doing some writing activities.

So, I will aim to put a new writing activity on this blog each day for the next month or so. Just a short one. Something aimed at helping you to write each day for the sake of practise. We’ll look at description, voice, tense, dialogue and more. See how this fits into your day. Write for 5 minutes, if that’s all you have. Or expand my short activity into an hour of writing for you. Do it as a stand-alone exercise or fit it into a piece you already have… Just write.

So, for today, here we go.
The golden rule we’ve all heard about: SHOW, don’t tell.
Take me for a walk along the harbour. SHOW me what it looks like. Be sure to include the smells, sounds and feels of a harbour front on a… sunny day, or blustery day.

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