Ordinary Days: Family Life in a Farmhouse by Dorcas Smucker
The title of this book, a kind of a diary, may include the word ‘ordinary’ but the story is anything but. I first ‘discovered’ Dorcas Smucker when living in rural Oregon where she is a busy wife, mother, farmer and writer. Dorcas is Mennonite and the stories she wrote in the local newspaper gave me a deeper appreciation of her lifestyle.
But most of all, I just love her sense of humor. Dorcas has this wonderful, conversational style of writing that makes me feel like she’s just talking to me. Plus she’s probably just about my age since her life often sounds like mine: children (OK, she has 6 and merely have 2, but still..), comings, goings, friends, family, farm, chores. And lately: growing older and its challenges.
I think that you, too, will enjoy her books, including this title.
And while you are at it, check out her blog for up to date, current stories:
Paperback, 155 pages, Good Books ISBN 1561485225 (ISBN13: 9781561485222)